October 20, 2024

The prelude is a Dale Wood setting of the Scottish hymn tune "Come, O Traveler Unknown", unfortunately not in our hymnal but one of those tunes that "sounds familiar". Mr. Wood (1934-2003) also might be familiar, as I have written about him before.  His body of works is most extensive and widely used. Our processional hymn is "Ye servants of God, your master proclaim", a text by Charles Wesley (1707-1788) set to a melody very familiar to us at Calvary but from the same period.

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Calvary Communications
October 13, 2024

The prelude, by Ralph Vaughan Williams, uses the hymn tune known as "Aberystwyth" by the Welsh composer Joseph Parry (1841-1903). This tune is used 3 times in our hymnal 349, 640, & 699.  Mr. Parry wrote over 400 hymns (this being one of the more famous), along with oratorios, cantatas & operas.  The English composer Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) is known to us all.  I will play his arrangement of the theme and then Variation No. 3.

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Calvary Communications
September 29, 2024

Robert Powell's set of variations on "If You But Trust God to Guide You" is the prelude Sunday for our "combined" service at 9:30.  The tune by Georg Neumark (1621-1681) is that of hymn 635.   Mr. Powell (b. 1932) composed the Sanctus (S129) that we use sometimes; I have written about him several times and, as far as I know, he is still living in Greenville, SC.

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Calvary Communications
September 22, 2024

The prelude is a Dale Wood setting of "Fairest Lord Jesus", hymn 383.  Mr. Wood (1934-2003) was a prolific American composer and choral director of whom I have written before.  Many organists depend on his compositions, which are simple but of high quality.  Our processional hymn is a favorite of many, hymn 390, "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation".  Note in the hymnal notes that the melody is over 400 years old!

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Calvary Communications
September 15, 2024

The organ prelude is J. S. Bach's setting of Martin Luther's 16th century hymn, "We all believe in one true God", which of course is the Nicene Creed.  I will first play Bach's harmonization of the chorale (or hymn) itself, then his fugue like setting, which is only one of several by different composers of the era.

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Calvary Communications
September 8, 2024

Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625), last of the "English Virginalists" (the virginal being a string instrument) wrote many sacred songs which wound up being hymns.  Our prelude is based on "Song 13", the number in that hymnal.  Percy Whitlock (1903-1946), English organist and composer, wrote this prelude based on that hymn tune.

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Calvary Communications
September 1, 2024

Sunday's prelude will be "Cantilena" by Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901), very prolific and prominent Bavarian organist and composer who, after Mendelssohn had begun the revival, made it a mission to revive the popularity of the organ.  He was an internationally known teacher and composer.  A "cantilena", used in both sacred and secular music for centuries, is simply a piece with a very lyrical melody.

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Calvary Communications
August 25, 2024

The organ prelude is simply titled "Aria", and is by the American organist and composer, Charles Callahan (1951-2023).  His education was extensive, including a degree from the Curtis Institute of Music (Philadelphia); he served many churches and often conducted his own choral works.  This piece fits right into what the Washington Post described as his "gentle, confident lyricism" and is, in my opinion, very supportive of meditation.

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Calvary Communications
August 18, 2024

Otho Hoyte will be our guest organist this Sunday.  We are very grateful for him and also Peggy White, and I am also grateful for all prayers made on my behalf as I recover from last week's surgery (hernia repair).  I expect to be "back on the bench" 8/25. Having had spinal surgery earlier this summer, I am hoping this is the last "repair"!

The prelude will be "Andante Religioso" by Francis Thome (1850-1909), a French composer who wrote mainly for the piano. 

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Calvary Communications
August 4, 2024

The organ prelude is a "partita" based on the hymn, "A mighty fortress is our God"; a partita is simply a set of variations.  The composer is Andrew Clarke, American contemporary (b.1942), a graduate of Yale University and The New England Conservatory of Music with further organ studies in Holland.  The well known hymn melody, as you may know, was composed by Martin Luther.  The harmonization in our hymnal is by J.S.Bach, but you will hear great differences by Mr. Clarke.

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Calvary Communications
July 28, 2024

This Sunday we will be fortunate to have Benjamin Smith on the cello and also two vocalists -- Becky Lowrey and Audy Walker.  Our congregation is indeed full of talent! The prelude to the service will be J. S. Bach's "Arioso" with cello solo and organ accompaniment.  Bach himself wrote numerous versions of the piece, for various instruments.  I think everyone knows and loves the melody; it should also be conducive to meditation.

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Calvary Communications
July 21, 2024

The organ prelude is "Meditation" by Alec Rowley (1892-1958), an English composer, organist, educator, whose work was highly respected in it's day.  It is a large body of works which include both many organ and piano compositions.  This work -- which I do find "meditative" wanders through many keys, which adds significantly to the interest. I find that even hymns which modulate, even briefly, to other keys are more interesting musically.  You are welcome to let me know if the work helps prepare you for worship!

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Calvary Communications
July 14, 2024

Two chorale improvisations, "Ah, Jesus Christ With Us Abide", and "Rejoice Greatly, O My Soul", will comprise the prelude; they are both by the German composer, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, who during his lifetime (1877-1933)  was probably more popular in England than in Germany.  His talent was recognized when he was very young, by prominent musicians at the time and he was awarded a 3 year scholarship to the Leipzig Conservatory.  Today his organ music is often included in recitals worldwide.  

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Calvary Communications
July 7, 2024

Bill Ross, who has played trumpet for many years at Calvary both for Christmas Eve services and Easter services, volunteered to play this Sunday (as he has generously done before).  Since we are so close to the "Fourth" and also celebrating with our annual picnic, we will be playing arrangements of patriotic hymns, the prelude being an Amy J. Snyder (contemporary American) "combo" arrangement of both "My Country 'Tis of Thee" and "America the Beautiful".  Please greet and thank Bill after the service!

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June 30, 2024

With July Fourth coming this week, the organ prelude is in that spirit and is a setting of "Eternal Father, Strong to Save" (hymn 608), by the Lutheran and American contemporary, Jonathan Reuss, of whom I have written before. 

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Calvary Communications
June 23, 2024

The prelude Sunday is based on our hymn at the offertory, "God is love, let heaven adore Him" (379), from the 20th century as you may note.  My feeling is that most people love this hymn.  The setting is a set of variations by Austin C. Lovelace (1919-2010), who often was referred to as "the dean of American church music", and was a graduate of the Union Theological Seminary School of Church Music when it was in Manhattan.  It happens that my older brother graduated from there also, and while he was a student wanted to "take a summer off", letting me stay in the apt. he and his wife had while I "subbed" for him at his church in the Queens.

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Calvary Communications
June 16, 2024

The prelude is based on our communion hymn, "Father. we thank thee who hast planted thy holy Name within our hearts", which in turn relates to the Gospel reading from Mark.  Note in the hymnal that the words date back to the 2nd century and the tune by Louis Bourgeois to the 16th century (we have an anthem of his).  The setting of the hymn is by the American contemporary, Edwin T. Childs, who lives, teaches, and composes in the Chicago area and has a doctorate from the Eastman School of Music.

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Calvary Communications
June 9, 2024

Otho Hoyte will be our guest organist this Sunday, as I am recovering from very successful spinal surgery and not allowed to drive for one week...and let me add most sincere thanks for all prayers and best wishes! The organ prelude will be "Agnus Dei" (Lamb of God), by the famous French composer, Georges Bizet (short life- 1838-1875), who is best known for his final opera, "Carmen", but was a proficient pianist and organist also.  

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June 2, 2024

The organ prelude is a Gordon Young setting of hymn 488, "Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart".  Mr. Young (1919-1998) was known as a formidable organist and prolific organ and choral composer.  He was a graduate of the famed Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, having studied with Alexander McCurdy, whom I heard play a recital at the First Presbyterian Church in Philly (when I was a child!).  I might add that my older brother studied with McCurdy while he attended the Westminster Choir School.  

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May 26, 2024

The Welsh hymn tune know as "Ar Hyd Y Nos" is the basis for a short set of variations by David Lasky (contemporary, American), which I will play for the prelude this Trinity Sunday.  Several texts have been written using the familiar hymn tune, but the one this is based on was written in 1927 and is titled "God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven". It is unfortunate that this good tune is not in our hymnal!

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