Calvary Church is a gathering of those seeking to follow Jesus and to serve the world.
Our calling as Christians is to join in the Missio Dei: God’s mission for the reconciliation and flourishing of all things. Calvary Church has a strong history of participating in this mission in our community, dating from its very first days. Not only do parishioners raise funds that help at home and abroad, they roll up their sleeves and actively collect, cook, and construct to help those in their own community.
Calvary is committed to involving its youth in community outreach as well. Middle and High school students have served meals, worked at the local food pantry, caroled at a retirement home and walked for charity.
Habitat for Humanity – The Episcopal parishes in the Asheville area sponsor building a Habitat house in Buncombe County every other year. Calvary’s part includes funding and lots of volunteers.
Food Pantry – The Food Pantry opened at Calvary Episcopal in April of 2009 seeking to help those needing food who come to our door. We are open on Saturday mornings from 8:30 till 11:00 AM. The work of the panty is supported in many ways, including an annual rummage sale. We are grateful for the many community partners who make this work possible.
Room in the Inn – A program of Homeward Bound of WNC, which is their only shelter option for 12 women who for a variety of reasons can’t stay at a shelter. Homeward Bound partners with 62 faith communities who take turns hosting the women for a week, providing all of their meals, shelter, and evening activities. This gives women who aren’t a good fit for a shelter environment a safe place to sleep each night while waiting to get into permanent housing. To be considered, all women are screened and intentionally placed in this program while having daily contact and case management provided by A-Hope Day Center. Room in the Inn serves approximately 62 women per year and no more than 12 women at any given time can be actively enrolled.
Calvary partnered with Fletcher United Methodist Church and served women experiencing homelessness in July of 2018. It was a great success and we plan to be a future host.
Health Ministry at Calvary – Church Health Ministry reclaims the historic roots of health and healing. The Health Ministry meets quarterly and offers teaching, support and resources. Monthly blood pressure screenings, nutritional counseling, annual CPR training, Lenten Walk and other activities are available to the church and food pantry communities.
Calvary Care Fund – This fund was established to provide for basic human needs among people in Buncombe and Henderson Counties. The fund intends to assist individuals or families who have special needs that extend beyond the scope of their personal income.
Prayer Shawl Ministry– Knitters meet regularly to knit prayer shawls to give to folks who need comfort and healing. For the person knitting, the rhythmic movement becomes prayer for the one who will receive the shawl.
Angel Tree –The parish is invited to help provide Christmas joy for families in need from around the community. This is an annual event which begins in late November.
Mite Boxes for Mission – Includes Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD), Heifer Project, and United Thank Offering (UTO). Throughout the year, the various boxes are distributed to households to be used for personal thanksgiving offerings and are collected and sent to the various organizations.