July 14, 2024

Two chorale improvisations, "Ah, Jesus Christ With Us Abide", and "Rejoice Greatly, O My Soul", will comprise the prelude; they are both by the German composer, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, who during his lifetime (1877-1933)  was probably more popular in England than in Germany.  His talent was recognized when he was very young, by prominent musicians at the time and he was awarded a 3 year scholarship to the Leipzig Conservatory.  Today his organ music is often included in recitals worldwide.  

Processing, we will sing the popular 18th century hymn, "Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates" (436), which, as you may note, uses an even older text.

The tune of the Gospel hymn (615) you will recognize as a Lenten hymn (142), but we will be singing the text by Frederick Lucian Hosmer, "Thy Kingdom come! on bended knee the passing ages pray", which relates to our Gospel reading from Mark.

We once again will sing a congregation hymn during the offertory, and it will be the well known "Hail, Thou once despised Jesus", 495.  

During communion we will sing the Ghanaian folk song, "Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love, show us how to serve the neighbors we have from you", 602.  I think people relate to this strongly and enjoy singing it-- and probably we don't sing it enough!

Closing, we will sing the ever popular "Come, thou fount of every blessing", 686.

The postlude will be a setting of the processional hymn, by the American composer, organist, teacher (at both Columbia University and Yale), Seth Bingham (1882-1972), who for 35 years was also the organist at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York.  

Calvary Communications