June 2, 2024
The organ prelude is a Gordon Young setting of hymn 488, "Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart". Mr. Young (1919-1998) was known as a formidable organist and prolific organ and choral composer. He was a graduate of the famed Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, having studied with Alexander McCurdy, whom I heard play a recital at the First Presbyterian Church in Philly (when I was a child!). I might add that my older brother studied with McCurdy while he attended the Westminster Choir School.
Our processional hymn is "The God of Abraham praise" (401), which uses a Hebrew melody that our congregation knows well. Our Gospel hymn for the day is the beautiful 20th century hymn, "God of mercy, God of grace" (538), which does use an older text, you may note.
Since our choir has "off" for the summer -- that is, "off" from Wednesday rehearsals -- most Sunday's until after Labor Day we will be singing a hymn during the offertory. You may enjoy the support of some choir members in the congregation, although some may still process and sing from the chancel. The hymn this Sunday is "Blessed Jesus, at thy word we are gathered all to hear thee" (440), which should be very familiar.
At some point during communion we will sing hymn 655, "O Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end", which uses a beautiful Finnish folk melody, which you may also note in the hymnal info at the bottom of the music.
Closing, is hymn 7, "Christ, Whose glory fills the skies", a good 19th century hymn with text by Charles Wesley.
The postlude is based on hymn 365, "Come, Thou almighty King", and is by the highly respected American composer, Gerald Near (b. 1942).