May 26, 2024

The Welsh hymn tune know as "Ar Hyd Y Nos" is the basis for a short set of variations by David Lasky (contemporary, American), which I will play for the prelude this Trinity Sunday.  Several texts have been written using the familiar hymn tune, but the one this is based on was written in 1927 and is titled "God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven". It is unfortunate that this good tune is not in our hymnal!

What else for Trinity Sunday except "Holy, Holy Holy" (362) for the processional hymn! I think few hymns are better known and loved.  The Gospel hymn is slightly more recent -- 20th century -- and is "When Christ was lifted from the earth" (603), relating to the Gospel reading from John.  

The wonderful words for our anthem are based on a French carol, "O Praise the Lord, Who Made All Beauty", set to music by the American contemporary (b. 1933), Hal H. Hopson, one of the most prolific church music composers of our time.  

Communion hymns include another favorite (I "think"), 337, "And now, O Father, mindful of the love that bought us", and also 295, maybe not as familiar but very "singable", "Sing praise to our Creator".  

Closing, we will sing hymn 368, "Holy Father, great Creator", which uses the tune "Regent Square", familiar because of the Christmas hymn, "Angels, from the realms of glory".

The postlude is an Albert Travis setting of "Come, Thou almighty King" (362); Mr. Travis is also a contemporary American, now retired and living in Fort Worth, Texas.