June 23, 2024

The prelude Sunday is based on our hymn at the offertory, "God is love, let heaven adore Him" (379), from the 20th century as you may note.  My feeling is that most people love this hymn.  The setting is a set of variations by Austin C. Lovelace (1919-2010), who often was referred to as "the dean of American church music", and was a graduate of the Union Theological Seminary School of Church Music when it was in Manhattan.  It happens that my older brother graduated from there also, and while he was a student wanted to "take a summer off", letting me stay in the apt. he and his wife had while I "subbed" for him at his church in the Queens.  I used the time to do some extra piano studies with the famous pianist, Earl Wild.

Our much older processional hymn, "Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim" (535) is 18th century with words by Charles Wesley.  It is also well known, of course.

Everyone also knows the Gospel hymn, "Almighty Father, strong to save" (579), also known as the Navy hymn.  Notice different authors of different verses.

During communion we will sing one of my favorites, "Where cross the crowded ways of life" (608), 19th century for both music and text.

Closing, we will sing "He who would valiant be" (564), music by Charles Winfred Douglas (1867-1944),  American priest, poet, liturgist, composer and arranger of hymns, who was known to have enriched the Episcopal church in many ways.

The postlude is a "trumpet tune" based on the hymn "When morning gilds the skies", setting by the American composer Franklin D. Ashdown (1942-2023), of whom I have written several times.  

Please remember you have the opportunity to let us know any favorite hymns you would like to have sung this summer; just drop the numbers in the offering plate or tell one of us. We will do our best to use them!

Calvary Communications