Week Two: July 19

Scripture:  Luke 5:1-11

Theme:  Share the Gospel!

Today's Message:  Jesus said to his first disciples, ‘Follow me and become fishers of people!”.  A disciple is a person who follows another person and his teaching. Becoming a disciple of Jesus is usually a step-by step process. Learning through faith to trust, we are invited to share the gospel message of God’s love with joy and confidence.

Each week of VBS was produced by teams of the volunteers from our clown troupe. This week we thank Kathy Noyes and Aloha Smith for all of their many gifts which resulted in a fabulous lesson for the children (and children at heart!).  Special thanks as well to Betty Robbins and her grand- daughter Sydney who made all the juggling bean bags and scarves that were sent home in the activity bags last week!

What's in today's Activity Bag: 

Jesus and the Disciples at the Sea of Galilee Art

1. Take out the paper with the stickers on it and your boat paper out of the zip lock bag.

2. Pull the sticker off the paper and place the disciples in the boat, add the nets with fish, swimming fish, clouds, and Jesus.

3. On the back of the sheet, place any of the left over stickers and make your own story about Jesus with his disciples.

Fish Art

1. Take your fish, stylus, and blue hanger out of your zip lock bag.

2. With your stylus, draw some large shapes on your fish. (circles, triangles, squiggles) Colors will appear under the black.

3. Take your stylus and  make some designs in your large areas. For example, you might puts dots into one area, check marks in another, and mini hearts in another.

4. Attach your blue hanger.

Stain Glass Window Art

1. Take your  tissue paper squares out of your zip lock bag and leave them in a pile. Take out the clear plastic window pane, the window frame and cross. You will need a glue stick and scissors.

2. Cover your plastic window pane on just one side with the glue stick. Then place the tissue paper squares on top of your glue on the window pane.

3. If some squares are hanging off the side of your pane. Cut the edges of paper off.

4. Glue the two foam window frames to the edge of the window pane. Place one on the front side and glue one to the back side.

5. Glue the red hanger in between the two frames at the top.

6. Peel and stick the foam cross on the center of the pane with no tissue paper.

Jesus Calls the Twelve Disciples Art

1. Take the large sheet of paper with the disciples printed on it out of your bag.

2. Color the disciples  using your crayons, colored pencils, and markers.

3. There are several bookmarks in the bottom of your bag that you may also color.

4. The bookmarks have a hole at the bottom. You can put a brad through them a make a Disciple fan too.

Juggling Scarves and Bean Bags

1. Remember to start with one, throwing it in an arc over your nose.

2. Then add the second, throwing it up with your other hand.

3. Practice with two scarves a long time!

Other fun items:

1. Pages to color, mazes, and word finds

2. A fishy snack of popcorn and goldfish crackers

J. Clarkson