September 18, 2024

A dilemma this week....two huge neighbor stories.  Sooooo lets begin with another first at the pantry.  This past Saturday, we welcomed a 100 year-old neighbor. It was her first time shopping with us. Only wish you could have witnessed the delight in her eyes as she moved up and down the aisles filling her buggy with various items. The second happening was a neighbor shared with us the picture posted below from her cell phone. She prepared a chicken pie and a quiche using items from the pantry. Chef Martha, Linda, and Joe prepare assorted recipes using lesser know food items and offer alternative ways to use the well known food items.

St. James Episcopal Church continues their extremely successful September Food Drive with another delivery of a car filled with food to our pantry. The donation is weighed, sorted, and placed on the shelf for Saturday morning distribution. They use reusable purple bags that are returned to the church.  St. Andrews continues to glean produce in our community. On our website you can view the apples that were grown in our community and given to the pantry. We welcomed 121 households on Saturday representing 450 individuals. Six new neighbors registered.

Heather Neal, pantry volunteer, provided us with a cart filled with diapers and feminine hygiene products. She was able to make available these items through a Thrivent Grant. Thrivent's unique combination of financial services and generosity solutions helps its clients make the most of what all they've been given.  They offer a grant for their clients to give back to the causes they care about with outreach programs to help make a difference.  We appreciate Heather selecting the pantry to be the recipient of such a generous donation.

Volunteers .....your support means the world to us!  Without it, we would not be able to have the impact we do in our community.

 For The Executive Committee, -- Kathy Noyes

Henderson County 42nd Annual Hunger Walk

Saturday, September 28, 2024


Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.

Walk begins at 8:30 a.m.

441 S. Whitted St., Hendersonville

Someone will be available to collect donations after the Sunday services at Calvary

Money raised is distributed to local non-profit agencies for hunger relief in Henderson County

Calvary Communications