Food and Formation in Lent

If you did not grow up in an Episcopal or Roman Catholic church (or even if you did), you might wonder what all the fuss is about when it comes to Holy Week. So this Lent, we’ll take a closer look at Holy Week and why we often refer to the experience of those days as “a journey.”

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Calvary Communications
Blessing of the Animals on October 8

To remember St. Francis of Assisi, Calvary will hold its annual Blessing of the Animals in the courtyard of the church on Sunday, October 8 at 4:00 p.m. Come with your pets and join us as we ask God's blessing for the creatures that are often our very best friends and companions.

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Calvary Communications
Vestry asks for input in regards to Draft Ministry Plan

In the last months of 2022, Calvary's Vestry began an important discussion in the life of our church. It was time to be honest with ourselves and with this community about the challenging years we had just passed through. We had to admit that, as a somewhat smaller congregation that had weathered a global pandemic, the plans that we made in a previous decade were no longer sustainable. But we also began to see that new expressions of who we know ourselves to be are possible in this place. At the core of our identity as the Episcopal Church in Fletcher is an abiding desire to know one another and to be fully known.

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Calvary Communications