What's Happening in Rotations Sunday School?

Greetings to all! I hope and pray that you are all healthy and keeping busy.
 As the corona environment has caused us all to adjust, we have begun a predictable pattern of streamed Sunday School lessons. Families can expect a program for children every other week that will include special topics and guests. For example, Glenda Davis, Altar Guild Director, recently offered an excellent talk about the service items we use at communion when we worship together and share the Eucharist. Families were mailed coloring pages in advance which corresponded with her lesson.
 We have been offering puppetry lessons on what we do and see in church, most recently on the tradition of the return of the Alleluias during Easter season, and an introduction to the lovely stained-glass windows. This way, even though the children are not physically in church, they are both reminded of our beloved sanctuary, and are seeing up close, maybe for the first time, the subject matter and details of the artful designs as well.  Thank you to Glenda Davis, Betty Robbins and Kathy Noyes for their time, talent, imagination and enthusiasm putting together these vignettes!

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