Vacation Bible School

 The Vacation Bible School (VBS) Committee has been meeting weekly on Zoom to plan our August 10 -14, 2020 evening program. Entitled The Circus Comes to Calvary, VBS will take place from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and is open to children pre-K  through 5th grade. We decided on the evening program because this way, no matter when children start school, they can be available to join us. Biblical Storytelling and music will be the foundation for the day at the opening. This will be the format for each evening:
 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. Gathering Time activities in the Parish Hall
 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.  Simple Summer Dinner for Families
 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.   Opening Presentation in Parish Hall
 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.  Three Rotations Activities:
     Outdoor Games
     Arts and Crafts
     Music and Movement
 An innovative feature this year is that parents and guardians are invited to attend a program designed for adults on the same themes, led by Father J. Clarkson,  which will happen simultaneously in the Commons Room when the activity centers begin. This schedule leaves room for dinner with your children, and volunteering as well.
On Friday, after our final VBS presentation, the evening will feature an Outdoor Fair for families, complete with hotdogs, popcorn, cotton candy, dip’n dots and lots of activities like juggling and face painting. 
 Finally, starting June we will make available an online Volunteer signup sheet for youth and adults called SignupGenius. We will also be inviting children from churches who work with Calvary at the Food Pantry, and other area churches. There are many ways to volunteer, either one day, or as many days as you are available. For example, we will need people to lead or assist in every Activity Center, in Marketing to help get the word out, and in the Kitchen to set up meals.  But for now, just mark your calendars, and we will have an exciting week to look forward to. IF we are still practicing social distancing in August, we will adjust, but the show will go on! If necessary, we will stream the Presentation online, and provide activity bags for children who have signed up.
 Deep thanks to Betty Robbins, Aloha Smith, Jo Wicker, and Kathy Noyes for serving on the VBS Planning Committee and all the amazing gifts, talents and joy they bring to the project of making God’s Love visible for the children!
 May God bless you all during this time with creativity and imagination!
 – In Christ, Mother Nan

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