An invitation to join a "small group"

Fr. J., Mother Nan and Deacon Jacque have discerned through conversation that there is a strong desire among Calvary parishioners for more opportunities to gather, both socially and to grow spiritually. During that same time, Scott and Kim Bailey have moved to Fletcher from Franklin, NC, where they helped organize small groups of 6-8 parishioners for fellowship and for study in their congregation.

We have talked about launching similar groups here, and hope to do that in a big way once we are able to gather again in person. (Perhaps starting with a great celebratory Agape meal and following that with smaller groups that could meet in members' homes.) In the meantime, however, we would like to offer the opportunity to whoever is interested to form a small group using Zoom or similar technology.

If you are interested in participating, or in learning more, please click here to fill out a brief survey. We may not be able to incorporate everyone’s ideas at this point, but this will help as we work to expand the offerings in the months ahead.

J. Clarkson