October 27, 2024

The prelude is a setting of a hymn tune I think everyone knows and loves, but one not in our hymnal; it is "When love is found" (tune name, "O Waly Waly").  The setting is by a female composer I had heard a lot about in my Penn State days, Emma Lou Diemer (1927-2024), who received 2 degrees from Yale and a doctorate from the Eastman School of Music. Besides hymns, she wrote chamber and orchestral music also-- a very talented woman!

Processing, we will sing "Hail, thou once despised Jesus", 495, which is a favorite of many and compliments the reading from Hebrews. Then the Gospel hymn will be the beautiful 20th century hymn, "King of glory, King of peace" (382), with the old text by George Herbert.

The anthem will be the upbeat "With a Voice of Singing", by the prolific English composer, Martin Shaw (1875-1958), who published over 300 works.  This anthem is very well known at Calvary.

During communion we will sing "Fight the good fight with all thy might", 552.  Closing, we will sing the Hebrew melody everyone knows-- "Praise to the living God", 372.

The postlude, called "Fanfare-Trumpet Tune", is by Franklin D. Ashdown (1942-2023), of whom I have written before--the American composer-organist who was also a physician!

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