July 10, 2024

News from the Pantry – July 9, 2024

On July 2nd we served 112 households comprised of 403 individuals. We welcomed 5 new households and 17 new individuals. Through May we were averaging 129 households per week; the current average has declined to 126 per week. Through 27 weeks we remain slightly ahead of 2023: Households are up 4% and individuals served increased 7%.

The pantry garden continues to be a valued supplement to our fresh vegetable offerings. Current and pending plantings are heralding abundant harvests in the coming months. Including other in-kind contributions, we were able to offer an additional 1,687 pounds of fresh produce in June at no monetary expense to the pantry. So far in July we have harvested 191 pounds of fresh produce with more on the way.

Last week we were visited by representatives of a Cuban Episcopal Church which is a sister church to St. James Episcopal in Hendersonville. Dick Ackman, accompanied by translator Abby, was their tour guide, covering pantry and garden operations. A side benefit for us was they reviewed our Spanish intake form and suggested a few minor changes.

Responding to client requests, we have added an additional electronic number calling sign located outside in the middle of the building. This will create the ability to furnish clients waiting outside additional information of where they are in the intake queue.

This week 36 volunteers completed Civil Rights Training online. This is important for us to be able to treat all clients equally and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

A pleasant surprise this week occurred when Tom from the Arden Rotary Club arrived with forty 10-pound packages of ribs. Early bird households will be surprised with some great meals.

The pantry continues to be blessed by the many dedicated volunteers. Their generous gift of the many, many hours they give is invaluable. We are grateful for the Tuesday “Manna Delivery Day Crew” the Friday “Shopping Preparation Crew ”, the dedicated “Lord’s Acre Gardener Crew” and the Saturday “Shopper Assistance Crew”.  Thanks to each volunteer!

We continue to recognize and thank partner churches, community members, civic organizations, schools, retirement communities, donors, foundations, and all who have contributed in some way to this ministry of service to those experiencing food insecurity.

For The Executive Committee, Fred Yopps

 News from The Lord’s Acre of Fletcher – July 9, 2024

Non-Thursday Harvesters Needed -- Many summer vegetables will not wait until we can pick them Thursday evenings; they ripen when they please. Almost every day. Right now, our squash rows are producing almost thirty pounds of yellow squash per day! If you are on occasion available to harvest for thirty minutes or so another day of the week and would like be “on call”, please let Doug Kearney know. You can email wdkearney@gmail.com, or text at 828-808-9639.      

God Ambles -- I really love the image in Genesis 3:8, where God, after a long day wrapping up the Creation, chooses to amble in God’s garden, right before the sun dips below the horizon and  when the heat has eased, as it says, “in the cool of the day.” God and I have little in common, but I like to do that, too.

 You have a standing invitation to walk through the Lord’s Acre Fletcher garden, just for fun, for some reflection, in the cool of the day. Right now, the garden is lush and green. There’s even a bench there in the middle of the garden just for you.

 Jean Ritchie, 20th c. Appalachian musician, wrote a beautiful song, “Now is the cool of the day,” a call to protect the earth, God’s garden. Listen to it here.

 Many thanks to Kristen Overby, who has agreed to be the Lord's Acre, Fletcher weed trimmer-er. And thanks, too, to the anonymous donor of the new E-go rechargeable weed trimmer. Kristen will help us keep the garden beautiful and clean.

 - Doug Kearney

Calvary Communications