Children’s Formation Lessons for Lent


During Lent 2020, Calvary children participated in many hands-on activities. They enjoyed sharing baked pretzels, stringing prayer beads, decorating boxes for prayer cards, walking the labyrinth, and learning about the Stations of the Cross.   

This year, we will be able to use some of the materials we made last year, even though we are still offering Sunday School lessons virtually. We will be offering One Room School House lessons for Lent, meaning that they are intended for our youngest children through upper elementary ages. The following table provides the date and subject for each lesson.  We look forward to our pilgrimage together through the next 40 days!    

Feb. 21

The Transfiguration

Feb. 28

Jesus in the Wilderness

March 7

Maps of the Holy Lands

March 14

Jairus Daughter

March 21

The Stations of the Cross

March 28 (Palm Sunday)

Palm Sunday and the Last Supper

April 4 (Easter Sunday)

The Meaning of Easter

J. Clarkson