Seeking Room in the Inn Coordinator

Calvary is entering our third year as Room In The Inn co-hosts. We have developed life-giving relationships with Fletcher United Methodist Church and St. Barnabas Catholic Church, with Fletcher UMC hosting the physical space for our guests. Calvary is seeking new volunteers to  co-host/coordinate Room In the Inn and to work, collaboratively, with Fletcher UMC and St. Barnabas. As we move into 2020 as well as Epiphany, and we recall our Baptismal covenant, I ask you to consider where your gifts and passions might intersect with the world’s greatest needs. Homelessness is on the rise in both Henderson and Buncombe counties, and the Room In The Inn is a steadfast and life-giving ministry to homeless woman in our communities. Calvary, from the beginning, has responded to this ministry with open heart, loving arms, and creative minds and spirits. The work of the co-coordinators will be to keep this ministry in the forefront of our parish, collaborate with the coordinators from Fletcher UMC and St. Barnabas, engage the already alerted and ready volunteers from Calvary, and support new volunteers as they present themselves. If you feel called to this ministry, please contact me so that we can begin holding this in prayer and planning for our shared week of ministry in August 2020. I look forward to hearing from you!
Blessing as you discern and respond!
Your Deacon, Jacque

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