Calvary welcomes The Rev. Nanette Woodworth as Associate Rector for Formation & Parish Life

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From Fr. J. -

At our annual meeting in 2018, I made a commitment that I would work with you to place two things at the center of Calvary’s common life: food and children. As the walls of the new building to house our Food Pantry have risen, we have also worked on a vision and plan to guide and form our children and our selves as Christians in a complex world. Now we are ready to put this plan into action and live into God’s vision of what our community can be.

As I stated at this year’s annual meeting, one key to fulfilling this vision is having the right person to shepherd our efforts. For many months, the Vestry, a small discernment committee, and I have been searching for an Associate Rector for Formation and Parish Life to join us at Calvary. I am thrilled to announce that the Rev’d Deacon Nanette Woodworth has accepted this call and will begin her ministry with us on December 1, 2019, the first Sunday in Advent. 

Deacon Nanette completed her Master of Divinity in 1998, and served as a Director of Christian Formation in Episcopal churches in Princeton, NJ; St. Augustine, FL; Atlanta, GA; and Greenville, NC.  In 2007, she returned to public school teaching and, several years later, began the ordination process in the Diocese of East Carolina.  Deacon Nanette will be ordained to the priesthood on December 14, 2019 at 3 pm at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Greenville, NC.

Deacon Nanette says, “I am excited to combine my experience in Christian Formation with my priestly duties in this role at Calvary.  My ministry thrives at the intersection of Spirituality, the Arts, Education and Social Justice. I hope to bring creative and collaborative energy to Calvary so that we can grow into our goals for formation and parish life together. I pray that we may continue as a team to reveal the love of Jesus for all people, engage in worship that will lift the soul, and offer inviting ministries that will form us into our potential in Christ, as individuals and as a community, to the glory of God. I cannot wait to meet you and for you to meet my daughter, Haley, a theatre major at Elon University, who will be with us at Christmas time!”