January 19, 2025
Since we were not able to hold services last Sunday, the prelude, choir anthem, and postlude will be part of this Sunday's 10:30 service; they all do fit in the season and anyone interested can reread last week's notes! The hymns will change, however, since the readings change.
Our processional hymn will be "How bright appears the Morning Star", 497, the well known hymn harmonized by J. S Bach. The Gospel hymn, "When Christ's appearing was made known", 131, as you note in the hymnal notes uses a tune, "source unknown", but uses a text that dates back to the 5th century.
The first communion hymn, 502, vs's 1-3, "O Holy Spirit, by whose breath, life rises vibrant out of death", is plainsong (a simple straightforward melody usually sung a cappella) but very familiar. The second hymn is another Bach harmonization-- 505. "O Spirit of Life, O Spirit of God, in every need Thou bringest aid", a 17th century text.
Closing, we will sing one of the most popular hymns for perhaps several centuries -- certainly today -- "Thou, whose almighty Word chaos and darkness heard, and took their flight", 371. Note that the tune is used 3 times in our hymnal, probably the most well known text being that of 365, "Come, Thou almighty King".