March 24, 2024
There will be the traditional procession with palms, beginning in the parish hall, and upon arrival in the sanctuary the singing of "All glory, laud, and honor to Thee" (hymn 154), which as you may note is a tune that dates back to the 16th-17th centuries, and can also be used in Advent using a different text (hymn 74).
After the reading of the Gospel we will again follow tradition and sing the "Passion Chorale" by Leo Hassler, hymn 168. Sometimes I think this hymn more than any other is associated with Holy Week-- or maybe it's just that this is the most well loved hymn?
Another favorite of so many is our anthem, Mozart's "Ave verum corpus", composed in 1791. This will be sung in Latin, but you will have the English translation.
During communion this year we will sing hymns 474 and 458, both relating to the Gospel reading, and I think both being well loved. "When I survey the wondrous cross" of course is very old, dating back to the 18th century, whereas "My song is love unknown", by John Ireland, is 20th century.
Fitting the close of this service and leading into Holy Week, we will sing "Go to dark Gethsemane", hymn 171.
Again, fitting the nature of this service after the reading of the Gospel, the postlude will be a David Lasky (contemporary, American) setting of the hymn "Out of the depths I cry unto Thee", hymn 666.