September 10, 2023
Peggy White will be our guest organist today. We are fortunate to have both her and Otho Hoyte in our midst!
The processional hymn is a well known 19th century hymn by Samuel Sebastion Wesley, 386 (verses 1, 3, & 4), "We sing of God, the mighty source of all things". Mr. Wesley wrote no less than 6 hymns in our hymnal — if you are interested, go to the resources in the back and check out the various ones! Note that the text for our version of the hymn is older (18th century).
The Gospel hymn is "New every morning is the love", 10, which has a very upbeat text! We will sing verses 1, 2, & 6.
During the offertory we will sing hymn 648, "When Israel was in Egypt's land", a hymn I think everyone loves to sing, but one we rarely use. It is of course an Afro-American spiritual called "Go Down, Moses". Please join with the choir in the singing!
During communion, first, Lynn Bailey will play an arrangement of the Wexford Carol, which is the oldest Irish Christmas song still sung today and dating back to the 12th century. Then Martha Bailey will play "Let all things now living", which is a Welsh folk melody that you will recognize (known as "The Ash Grove"). The text for this hymn was written by Katherine Kennicott Davis in 1939 under the pseudonym of John Cowley, which is indicative of the hard times women had as composers — and she had an education equal to many famous composers, like Elliott Carter, Philip Glass, Aaron Copeland, Daniel Pinkham, and Virgil Thomson.
The closing hymn will be "Take up your cross the Savior said, if you would my disciple be", 675. Another familiar 19th century hymn!
Our choir rehearsals have begun — Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m., and those choristers present will be processing again and sitting in the chancel. A few members are out of town this Sunday, but we are looking forward to a new church year. Do remember that if you like to sing, you are most welcome to come on Wednesdays and give us a try!