October 1, 2023
The organ prelude Sunday is based on the Gospel hymn, "Strengthen for service, Lord", 312, and is an elaborate setting by Leo Sowerby (1895-1968), one of the greatest American church music composers who also won a Pulitzer Prize in 1946.
Our processional hymn is verses 4, 5, & 6 of "Awake awake, to love and work", no. 9. The 19th century tune, which you know, is called "Morning Song", and I think is very uplifting.
As noted re the prelude information, the Gospel hymn is 312, the tune known as "Malabar", written in the 20th century. If you check out the hymnal notes you will also see that this tune name derives from the text, which is the "Syriac Liturgy of Malabar".
Audy Walker will be singing the Handel "Sing Unto the Lord" as the anthem. We are most fortunate to have him in our midst. Please also understand that our choir, though containing a lot of talent, is small to begin with, and at present we have several members recovering from illness, and others with family emergencies. In addition, from time to time we may need a Sunday "off" from singing an anthem in order to spend more time on future anthems. A hymn sung by both choir and congregation I would think would be appreciated from time to time. And do remember.....if you like to sing, please consider joining us Wednesday's at 7:15!
The hymn sung during communion will be 660. "O Master, let me walk with thee", which I think needs no explanation, it being a tried and true favorite from the 19th century on.
Closing, we will sing hymn 404, "We will extol you, ever blessed Lord", known as "Old 124th", and a paraphrase of Psalm 145.
The postlude is one of many "trumpet tunes", this one by David N. Johnson (1922-1987), who taught at both Syracuse University and Arizona State University, also serving at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Phoenix.