June 25, 2023

The prelude is a setting of the hymn, "Draw Us In the Spirit's Tether", which you will probably recognize because the choir sings a setting of it from time to time; however, it is unfortunately not in our hymnal.  The arrangement is by the contemporary, James Biery (b. 1955), who has served in cathedrals in Hartford, Conn, and St. Paul, Minn.; currently he serves in a large Presbyterian Church in Michigan.  Both he and his wife are organists and composers!

Everyone is familiar with the 18th c. opening hymn, "Hail, thou once despised Jesus!" (495);  We will sing the first 3 verses, which are by John Bakewell, one of Wesley's lay ministers and a hymn writer, this being his most famous text.

At the Gospel we will sing "My God, thy table now is spread", 321, another very familiar 18th c. hymn.  Notice in the hymnal notes how many people had their hand in this version of the hymn!

As you may know, the choir technically has the summer "off" until after Labor Day.  We are grateful for choristers who will continue to sing when in town.  We have no Wednesday rehearsals for the summer but do rehearse a bit each Sunday after 9:30AM.  Due to fluctuating schedules, some Sunday's we may not sing an anthem, but will have the congregation join in singing a hymn.  This is one of those Sunday's! The hymn will be the favorite (I think!), "O Love of God, how strong and true" (455).  Let me add--Any of you who would like to sing with the choir, even if not every Sunday, please join us at 9:30AM!  

During communion we will sing the Ralph Vaughan Williams hymn, "Come down, O Love divine" (516), another favorite of many people.

Closing the service we will sing the famous Thomas Tertius Noble hymn, "Come, labor on", 541, the first 3 verses only.  

The postlude is a setting of hymn 529, "In Christ there is no East or West", by Dale Wood, contemporary American.  Notice (in the hymnal) that the melody is an Afro-American spiritual.  

Calvary Communications