December 24, 2023
The organ prelude for Sunday morning (Advent 4) is a Wilbur Held setting of "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus", although the tune base is not the one in our hymnal (66). You will find that it has the same feeling, however. Mr. Held (1914-2015) had a very active and distinguished musical career, eventually becoming head of the keyboard department at Ohio State University. During communion we will sing this text from our hymnal.
During the processional we will sing verses 1, 6, 7, & 8 of "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" (56); my guess is that this hymn more than any other is associated with Advent. Note in the hymnal information at the bottom of the page how far back it dates!
Another text from the 9th century is that used for the Gospel hymn, "Creator of the stars of night" (60) -- more beautiful plainsong.
The anthem is a folk like setting of the "Magnificat", by Darwin Leitz, pupil of Leo Sowerby and long time organist of Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is one of those very pleasant and easily remembered tunes that may linger for some time!
As mentioned above, during communion we will sing hymn 66, but also the beloved hymn, "Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord" (437).
Closing will be hymn 265, "The angel Gabriel from heaven came". This is a more recent hymn than the others, but one we have sung many times -- and one I think everyone knows and likes.
The postlude is a Michael Burkhardt setting of the famous tune, "Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying". Mr. Burkhardt, as a reminder, is 20th century American. Settings of this hymn tune go back many centuries.
AND, of course, in the afternoon at around 4:15, carol settings for trumpets and keyboard will be a prelude to our Christmas Eve Festival Eucharist, in which you can sing a large number of your favorite Christmas Carols! We hope you will participate and celebrate!