March 5, 2025

Donations! On behalf of the Pantry, many thanks for the donations we receive every day in our Pantry lobby!  You – our community – are what help make our Saturday distributions so successful. Last week, Sammy from the Fletcher community drove a truck to our loading dock filled with cases of water and Emergency Food packets, boxes of mixed can foods, personal care products, baby wipes, and pet food. Special thanks to our volunteers who answered the call to help unload the items, sort them and stock the shelves.

We welcomed 116 families representing 403 individuals and seven new families. The seven new families averaged five+ members per family.  We continue to need volunteers who can help with Spanish registrations. Once a month would be very helpful!

Volunteer Spotlight this week are Thad Phar and Jim Humble. In one of our pictures this week, Thad and Kim are placing milk in our refrigerators. Not only does Thad pick up cases of milk once a month for the Pantry, he also drives to Etowah every week to pick up enough cases of Bright Farms' salad for the 116 families who shop with us on Saturdays. Jim volunteers with the "Carry Out" team. Have you missed him? He ran in the Tokyo Marathon last Saturday. He is now an Elite Abbott World Marathon Six Star Finisher.

On behalf of our Pantry Board, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous food and monetary donations to our pantry. Your donations will make a significant impact on the lives of those in our community who are struggling with food insecurity.

Kathy Noyes, for the Executive Committee

Calvary Communications