June 26, 2024

Thanks, summer campers.

Summer camp groups are always helpful in the garden as vegetables and weeds grow profusely. Thanks to the Disciples of Christ Church of Lexington, KY working with Asheville Youth Mission and the Service Adventure group from Lutheridge who mulched, weeded, and harvested in the last week.

Want to trim weeds at LAF at your leisure?

We are buying cordless weed trimmer for the Lord’s Acre Fletcher garden, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor.

Now what we need is someone to commit to trimming weeds around the garden a couple of times a month in the summer months, much less the rest of the year. The weed trimmer doesn’t require adding gas or oil and it advances the string filament automatically. It’s a breeze to operate.

If you think you might be interested, please let Doug Kearney know at 828-808-9639 or wdkearney@gmail.com.

Calvary Communications