Questions and Answers: Father J.'s Sabbatical
What is a sabbatical and where did the idea come from?
“And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done.” - Genesis 2:2.
The purpose of a Sabbatical leave is to provide an opportunity for those on Sabbatical to rest. If God thought it was good for God, surely God thinks it is good for God’s people. In this regard (as in others) Clergy are to be models of God to God’s people. It is, therefore, incumbent on them to be deliberate in taking regular times for the rest which allows for the replenishment of the body and the spirit. Sabbaticals are in addition to regularly scheduled vacation times and are not to be confused with sick leave or any other kind of leave. In the Diocese of Western North Carolina, parishes are required to offer a sabbatical to their clergy after 5-7 years of service.
When will Father J. be on sabbatical and what will he be doing?
His sabbatical will start on August 19 and conclude on September 29. Father J. will spend some time studying the Social Gospel movement in the Southern United States during the early 20th Century as well as travelling. He will also, in keeping with the intention of a sabbatical, rest.
Who will be in charge while Father J. is on sabbatical?
Did you really think Father J. is in charge here? The very capable staff will continue with the day-to-day operations at Calvary, and the Wardens will have responsibility for any important decisions that need to be made during this time. Arrangements have been made for very capable and engaging clergy to preside and preach at all scheduled worship services.
How will Father J. stay in touch?
Father J. will not be checking in or receiving email during this time. Please respect the boundaries of this sabbatical and do not call or text him directly. If there is an emergency that requires contacting Father J., the wardens or Deacon Jacque will reach out to him. The Rev. Ray Escott, a retired Deacon who attends Calvary, is available to handle pastoral needs. Please do not avoid Father J. if you see him in the grocery store. He would be happy to say hello.