Staff Spotlight

Meet Phil Dettra. He serves as Calvary’s Director of Music.

Phil Dettra says he still hasn’t decided what to be when he grows up, but his passions lie in two separate areas, the first being mostly music. Although he did study organ, he wound up on the faculty of Penn State as a pianist, and performed many recitals on and off campus, including for the Harvard Musical Association in Boston and the Washington DC Arts Club, and with several orchestras, including the Savannah and Pittsburgh Symphony; He also was "drafted” (read: not paid!) to do educational TV programs for the University, playing all French piano music -- Faure, Debussy, and Ravel -- probably because of his association with Paul Doguereau.

On the architectural side, which is just as much a passion, Phil cites Frank Lloyd Wright as a childhood hero-- with his philosophy of "form follows function". He was elated to have a client in Asheville ask for a Wright inspired "prairie" style house, not one commonly used in the mountains. That house is 187 Country Club Road, if you are interested in driving by.

Phil cites his 30 plus years at Calvary as one of the most enduring of his many wonderful experiences. Working with the choir has "kept me going" he says. He loves the people, the challenge of the work, and the opportunity to continue. Although he never intended to be an organ recitalist, he does love playing for services. He believes that we are all trying to do the same thing-- worship God in the best way we can and deeply respects anyone with that attitude whatever their experience or level of talent! He is very grateful to be a part of the worship and life of Calvary.

Please say hello to Phil after the 10:30 service on any Sunday.