Now I know partially but then I will know completely...

…in the same way that I have been completely known.

Like many churches, Calvary is still coming to understand itself in the reality of a world rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic. There is reason to celebrate the extended reach of livestreamed services and the renewed commitment of parishioners returning after a hiatus. At the same time, we feel the reality that a somewhat smaller church has necessitated reduced staff and changes in programs.

In discussing these effects, both desirable and undesirable, the Vestry has reaffirmed Calvary's core intention to be a place where relationships are valued and nurtured. We come together to know and to be known by one another. Building on our conversation at the Annual Meeting, we have developed a survey that asks you to tell us what is already working to this end, where we can improve, and what might be missing. It attempts to take in all aspects of our life together, from worship to fellowship and our work in mission. Please take a few minutes to follow this link and share with us your thoughts about how we can continue to grow and flourish in our knowledge and love for each other and the God who makes us one.