VBS 2021 : The Abundant Life Garden Project at Calvary

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Our Calvary VBS 2021 program will be held from Aug. 2-6, from 4 pm - 7 pm. 

It will be called The Abundant Life Garden Project at Calvary, based on the curriculum provided by the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund (ERD), and will connect directly with our Calvary Community Garden which supports the Food Pantry. Bible Stories, music and activities will be woven through the themes of Water, Soil, Seeds, Animals and Harvest. A fun summer Dinner will be included each evening to which parents are invited (see sign up on registration page).   

There will be four Activity Centers through which the children will travel, utilizing our beautiful outdoor campus, our Parish Hall and Commons area, and our newly decorated classrooms. 

Children will have hands on activities in the community garden provided by our Food Pantry Community Garden consultants and long-time outdoor educators Linda and Joe Britain. After sharing a meal, the children will have a Worship and Biblical storytelling time in the Parish Hall. The last activity center will take place in the three classrooms, depending on our registration. 

We encourage you to sign up early, since we will be able to offer the program to 40 children ages Pre-k (4 year olds) and Kindergarten through 5th grade.  

You may register your children and sign up to volunteer by clicking here! 

Feel free to contact Associate Rector Nan Woodworth with any questions you may have: nwoodworth@calvaryfletcher.org or 828-684-6626

J. Clarkson