Ash Wednesday with Calvary


As we draw close to Lent 2021, and almost a year of social distancing, many of us have been stretched and wearied by the necessity of letting so many things go. We may start to ask ourselves, “what’s to come?” What we do not want to come, of course, is further spread of COVID-19; therefore, Calvary will not be offering imposition of ashes at the beginning of Lent this year. We will, however, be holding a service on Ash Wednesday, February 17, at 7pm.

“But what is an Ash Wednesday service without ashes?” you may ask, and we’re glad you did!

The ashes we use to mark ourselves are meant to be symbolic of the soil from which we are formed and to which we will return, one day. So this year, we invite you to go right to the source and plunge your hands into the dirt. Feel the substance that scripture says God molded into humanity and breathed into being. Load up a container –a planter, a bowl, an egg carton, or even Tupperware – and have it with you as we gather online for the Ash Wednesday service.


Parishioners of Calvary should receive a packet of flower seeds: sunflowers, zinnias, marigolds, purple coneflower echinacea and a variety of flower mixes. We invite you to plant these seeds in your own soil and use this container of dirt as a point of reflection throughout Lent, remembering both the reality of our own mortal lives and the hope of new and unbounded life in Christ.

If you need a container or some soil, there will be a wheel barrow of Calvary garden dirt and peat cups by the Food Pantry doors beginning on February 17, and volunteers are happy to bring planters to those who cannot travel here. If you have not received any seeds, please let Mother Nan know. During the season of Easter, you will have the opportunity to bring the soil and new plant which you have tended to Calvary. It will become a part of the ecosystem here, attracting the bees, butterflies, and other pollinating insects that we want to help our new community garden grow.

J. Clarkson