Immediate Local Missions Request

The Heart of Immigration Task Force is organizing a collection of materials for 250 migrant workers who are arriving in Hendersonville within the next two weeks. The donations needed are: tooth brushes, tooth paste, toilet paper, bandannas, latex gloves and masks.  There is a box in the lobby at Calvary where you can drop off donations. These donations will be blessed, then taken to Heartwood Retreat Center. The task force is also asking for cards to accompany the items donated. The following message is suggested, although you are free to write what comes from your heart. “Mil Gracias por todo el trabajo que hacen por nosotros!” which means “Thank you so much for all the work you do for us!” If you would like materials with which to make the cards, please let me know! I will make up some packets for you to be picked up at Calvary. Thank you so much for considering participating. And thanks to Aloha Smith for making us aware of this project. Feel free to contact Mother Nan with any questions you may have.

You may call or email Mother Nan with any questions you may have.
Cell: 252-565-6282
Church office : 828-684-6266 on Mondays

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