Children’s Formation Autumn Recap

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During the Fall, our youngest children enjoyed lessons from the Godly Play curriculum, including the Circle of the Church Year, the Creation, the Noah story, the Exodus, and the Ten Best Ways to Live. Thank you to Callie Otten and Ted Hill for making many of the storytelling pieces, and to Bonnie Williams for helping to tell or video the stories!

The Rotations upper elementary age group learned about Samuel and Esther. I had submitted a lesson about Samuel to Leader Resources, a curriculum company that sends a free unit of Rotations Bible Lessons to people like me who submit one for consideration to be added to their library. So the Esther story was our free unit, and we enjoyed presenting both in puppetry programs. I always like to feature Old Testament stories in the fall, and New Testament stories after Christmas. I also always like to feature both a male and female Biblical figure in the fall. So it all worked out! Thank you to Betty Robbins, Kathy Noyes, Callie Otten, Jo Wicker, Aloha Smith and Bonnie Williams for their excellent storytelling skills!

During this time of Thanksgiving, I want to express my deep gratitude for all the volunteers, who each bring their own unique gifts to bring our Bible stories and Anglican traditions to life for our children, and who make our Christian Formation program possible.

Please note: All of these videos can still be found on our Calvary Church Youtube Channel.

J. Clarkson