Kendall Wernet Foundation Food Pantry Fundraiser

During the month of June 2019, the Kendall Wernet Foundation offered a matching gift for funds raised in memory of Kendall’s birthday. Donors responded quickly, giving the Foundation more than $5000.00 on behalf of the Calvary Food Pantry. Along with these generous gifts, the Food Pantry directly received additional donations of $2,715.00 for the Food Pantry Building Fund in response to the Wernet fundraiser. Combined with a matching gift of over $5,000 from the foundation, a grand total of $12,821.00 has been raised in memory of Kendell Wernet for the building project. The Food Pantry has been blessed by the kindness of the Wernet family and we are so grateful for their gift and support.

In Kendall's personal writings, he proclaimed his life's mission statement as: “to lift up and encourage those around me and to develop them as I develop myself. I will capture greatness and succeed through passion in order to please those around me and ultimately achieve a paradise known as heaven.”

It has become his family’s mission to continue Kendall’s legacy through the Foundation established in his name by “doing good turns daily” in the areas he loved most, including music, education, entrepreneurship, community improvement and helping those in need. The Calvary Food Pantry was chosen as the recipient of the 2019 birthday fundraiser based on it’s alignment with Kendall’s mission.